Census Data for Grant Writing

Yellow Springs Community Library 415 Xenia Avenue, Yellow Springs

Census Data for Grant Writing for ages 18+ will be held at Yellow Springs Community Library on Thu., Mar. 7, from 10:30-11:30 a.m. Tim Sarko of the U.S. Census Bureau will show the many different sources of census data that


Census Data for Grant Writing

Yellow Springs Community Library 415 Xenia Avenue, Yellow Springs

Tim Sarko of the U.S. Census Bureau will show the many different sources of census data that can be useful in grant writing.  It focuses on data provided by the American Community Survey (ACS).  It explains how to adequately compare ACS data


Anime Club

Yellow Springs Community Library 415 Xenia Avenue, Yellow Springs

Anime Club for grades 6+ will be held at Yellow Springs Community Library on Thu., Mar. 7, from 4-5:30 p.m. Gather together on the first Thursday of the month to watch anime. Enjoy the work of Hayao Miyazaki and create


Planner Enthusiasts Unite

Yellow Springs Community Library 415 Xenia Avenue, Yellow Springs

Planner Enthusiasts Unite for ages 18+ will be held at Yellow Springs Community Library on Thu., Mar. 7, from 6-8 p.m. Join fellow planner enthusiasts for time to work on your personal planner or agenda. Emjoy conversation and help in


Are you a YS Chamber member, local organization or merchant with an upcoming event? Submit details at least a week ahead of time.