Bettina Solas at Aleta’s Cafe

Aleta's Cafe 309 Xenia Avenue, Yellow Springs

Friday, June 13Bettina Solas at Aleta's Cafe309 Xenia AvenueYellow Springs6-9 p.m. Relax the night before the big day at Yellow Springs' newest restaurant, Aleta's Cafe. Bettina will be performing in the beautiful garden, weather permitting, from 6 until 9 p.m.

Far From Eden’s at Aleta’s Cafe

Aleta's Cafe 309 Xenia Avenue, Yellow Springs

Coming up this Monday evening will be Far From Eden's last jam at Aleta's Cafe (where the Oten Art Gallery used to be) for a month, as we will be rocking out some other spots in March! We'll be back

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