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Clifton Gorge State Nature Preserve

Clifton Gorge State Nature Preserve
Clifton Gorge State Nature Preserve

This 268-acre preserve protects one of the most spectacular dolomite and limestone gorges in the state encompassing a 2-mile stretch of the Little Miami State and National Scenic River, just east of John Bryan State Park and three miles east of Yellow Springs. Geologically, it is an outstanding example of interglacial and post-glacial canyon cutting with the river funneling through a deep, narrow channel and cliff overhangs forming massive slump blocks scattered along the valley floor. Great site for hemlock, red baneberry, Canada yew, arbor-vitae, mountain maple and one of the most spectacular sites in the state for viewing spring wildflowers including the rare snow trillium. 
State Route 343, Clifton, OH 45316
